Project information

  • Category: e-Commerce
  • Status: Discontinue
  • Project date: 2014
  • Project URL:

It is the first colaboration project with 2 of my workmates and a small software house.
This start around end of 2014, I was one of the founder and also the CTO there.
The idea is to merge e-Commerce site and a groupon alike site into 1 place. Where we will be in partnership with a merchant like restaurant, cafe, hotel and personal seller with the aim to increase their traffic and boost their sell.
Unfortunately it is only last about a year.

What I do there?

As 1 of the founder and CTO, I was the 1 who design the flow, recommend the UI design and the main idea. Then our partner small software house help to develop the website and mobile apps, my other friend help with the marketing and operational